
  • Wishnu Subroto Universitas Al-Irsyad Cilacap
  • Bejo Danang


      Osteoartritis (OA) adalah penyakit sendi degeneratif dengan etiologi dan patogenesis belum jelas, yang ditandai dengan kehilangan tulang rawan sendi secara bertingkat. Kelainan utama pada OA adalah kerusakan rawan sendi, dapat diikuti dengan penebalan tulang subkondral, pertumbuhan osteofit, kerusakan ligamen dan peradangan ringan sinovium, sehingga sendi bersangkutan membentuk efusi. Osteoartritis umumnya menyerang penderita berusia lanjut pada sendi-sendi penopang berat badan, seperti sendi lutut, panggul (koksa), lumbal dan servikal. Lutut merupakan sendi yang paling sering dijumpai terserang OA dari sekian banyak sendi yang dapat terserang OA. Salah satu gejala osteoarthritis knee adalah adanya nyeri. Adanya nyeri menyebabkan seseorang takut  melakukan aktivitas atau gerakan sehingga menurunkan kualitas hidupnya. Terapi non farmakologi  yang disarankan antara lain exercise/latihan.  Jenis exercise lain yang dapat dilakukan  adalah home exercise, Range Of Motion (ROM), strengthening exercise /latihan penguatan meliputi quadriceps and hamstring exercise  serta aerobik seperti berjalan, bersepeda, berenang. Tujuan exercise ini  antara lain memperbaiki fungsi sendi, meningkatkan kekuatan sendi, proteksi sendi dari kerusakan dengan mengurangi stres pada  sendi, mencegah kecacatan dan meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani. Latihan ini tentunya disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan kemampuan pasien.

Tujuan : penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas terapi latihan knee terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri pasien osteoarthtritis knee.

Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan randomised pretest – post tes control desing, dengan jumlah responden 10 pasien mengunakan uji statistik regresi ordinal. Kriteria inklusi usia diatas 40 tahun dengan diagnosa osteoarthtritis dan bersedia menjadi responden.

Hasil : Terapi latihan secara statistik efektif menurunkan intensitas nyeri dengan nilai probabilitas (p=0,004), sedangkan secara simultan variabel independen efektif mempengruhi variabel dependen secara 28,7%.

Simpulan : Terapi latihan efektif menurunkan intensitas nyeri pasien osteoatrhitis knee dengan nilai p=0,004. Implikasi fisioterapi dengan melakukan terapi latihan knee secara teratur, maka akan mengurangi morbiditas akibat nyeri osteoarthritis knee dan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.


Kata kunci : Terapi latihan, Teraband, Quadricep Setting ExerciseOsteoarthritis, Nyeri







      Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease with unclear etiology and pathogenesis, which is characterized by gradual loss of joint cartilage.The main abnormality in OA is damage to joint cartilage, which can be followed by thickening of the subchondral bone, osteophyte growth, ligament damage and mild inflammation of the synovium, so that the joint in question forms an effusion.Osteoarthritis generally attacks elderly sufferers in weight-bearing joints, such as the knee, hip (coxa), lumbar and cervical joints.The knee is the joint most frequently affected by OA of the many joints that can be affected by OA.One of the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis is pain.The presence of pain causes a person to be afraid of doing activities or movements, thereby reducing their quality of life.Recommended non-pharmacological therapies include exercise.Other types of exercise that can be done are home exercises, Range of Motion (ROM), strengthening exercises including quadriceps and hamstring exercises as well as aerobics such as walking, cycling, swimming.The aims of this exercise include improving joint function, increasing joint strength, protecting joints from damage by reducing stress on joints, preventing disability and increasing physical fitness.This exercise is of course adjusted to the patient's condition and abilities.

Objective: This study was to determine the effectiveness of knee exercise therapy in reducing pain intensity in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Method: This study used a quasi-experimental method with randomised pretest - post test control design, with a total of 10 patients as respondents using an ordinal regression statistical test.

Inclusion criteria were age over 40 years with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis and willingness to be a respondent.

 Results: Exercise therapy is statistically effective in reducing pain intensity with a probability value (p=0.004), while simultaneously the independent variable effectively influences the dependent variable by 28.7%.

Conclusion: Exercise therapy is effective in reducing pain intensity in patients with knee osteoarthritis with a value of p=0.004.

The implications of physiotherapy by carrying out regular knee exercise therapy will reduce morbidity due to osteoarthritis knee pain and can improve the quality of life.


Keywords: Exercise therapy, Teraband, Quadricep Setting Exercise, Osteoarthritis, Pain


